Infusion Max Cream Charger 580g Tank

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Mr. Nang - Nangs Delivery Melbourne, Cream Charger, Melbourne Fastest Delivery


Infusion Max Regulator Cream Charger 580g Nang Tank

Infusion Max Regulator Cream Charger 580g is an innovative cream whipping device specially designed for making cocktails and nitrous flavoured infusions. It can also be used to whip cream with a whipping cream dispenser.

  • Quality you can trust
  • Cost-effective – Turn 0.5 liter of whipping cream into a far greater volume than mechanical whipping, with 0.5 liters of cream making up to 1.5 liters of whipped cream. It is very economical.
  • Use the exact amount of gas according to what is needed – Attach a pressure regulator to the canister and measure the needed gas for each use, so over or under usage will be minimized.
  • Sturdy and Secure – This can be attached to a wall with a wall frame to ensure that there is no knocking over or spills. No worries about wastage.
  • Easy to Use – With a filling hose connect the cream charger to the cream dispenser. Very compatible with any whipped cream dispenser with the use of an adapter, and voila! Instant whipped cream!
  • Create Artistic Drinks and Desserts – Craft great-tasting beverages, cakes, pies, and other desserts with Infusion Max Cream Charger 580g Canister.
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